Car Sharing Application


In 2014, Livio, a subsidiary of the world leader in the production of both passenger cars and other industrial vehicles, turned to PSA to develop a Peer to Peer car sharing application (P2PCS).


The primary objective of this project was to deliver a convenient and intuitive mobile application that enabled Ford executives to exchange cars between them.  

Some of the challenges of this project involved clarification of the objectives, evolving changes in daily tasks and continual discussions with the customer regarding the desired app features and user interface.


The project entailed the development of a new mobile application for both Android and iOS platforms which would be utilized by Ford executives in their peer-to-peer car exchange program. The purpose of this application was to allow an executive to browse, request, book and confirm available cars with the option to provide detailed feedback about  their experience. 

Since the objective was not clear initially, the PSA team often had to make sudden changes during the development process. The end result was the release of an application with the following features: car model selection,  schedule of availability, fuel and drive type, as well as a personalized vehicle restrictions setting (ie. smoking, transporting pets, etc.). The system allowed you to document the condition of the car before and after the exchange, the amount of fuel used, and key transfer details. The app was released for both Android and iOS systems along with an available  browser version.

Development Included

  • Development and analysis of technical requirements.
  • User interface design and development.
  • Functional, system and integration testing.

Technology Breakdown

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